During this part we had a show. We saw the pencil try to go through a piece of wood. Then we saw the pencil be put in the machine and then it went through the wood. Then we saw the forces of the bowling ball also called Newman cradle. Then we saw that the cup didn't work pushing it across the floor. Then we did the cup with plates on top of it and she pulled a napkin from underneath. Then she did the same thing with the water in the cups. Lastly I like show everything for most of the time worked and was cool.
Engineering Design, Bobsled Activity:
My bobsled worked the whole time but I did fix it to after I went. I used fabric and 2 small clips. Then I put in four batteries in it on the front of it. Mine worked and I was surprised it did. Mine did not have any problems at all.
The Lightning Show:
I liked the show even though I have seen it before. I liked everything that he did. There was not anything I didn't like at all. I learned that there is 120 little thing that the 2 balloons popped over. I would recommend it to do that again.
Audiokinetic Sculpture:
The ball I followed went left to right. It made a trigger sound when it went down. All of them were simple machines and it went down 3 times. Then it encountered all of the balls. They started at the top and went all different ways.