Light Reflection and Reflection:
Place two mirrors
together at right angles at a common edge and tape them at the corner (on the
back) to hinge them in this position. (If you have the folding mirrors, just
use them instead.)
Place a quarter in front of the mirrors in the
corner between the hinged part of the mirrors. What do you observe? I observe that there was a reflection. Where is
the image? On the mirror How tall is the image? Not tall at all so it was flat What are the characteristics of the image? The reflection and backwards
3. Slowly move the two unhinged ends of the mirrors towards
each other so the angle becomes smaller. What do you observe? Reflection and backwards
4. Remove the quarter. Place half an image at a 90 degree angle to a mirror. What do you observe? more quarters Where is the image? on the mirror How tall is the image? Not tall so it was flat What are the characteristics of the image? The reflection and backwards
5. Place the mirror(s) on edge so they are upright on a
printed piece of printed material. Place the mirror along the edge of one of
the lines of print. Compare the size and
shape of the actual print with the reflection that you observe in the mirror? The same image but it was backwards How are they alike? The same image
6. Draw a circle (about the size of a quarter) on the paper
about two inches from the mirror. Observe the placement of the actual circle on
the paper with respect to the edge of the mirror and where the circle appears
to be in the mirror:
7. Print the word “REVERSAL” on the transparency sheet with
the pen. Hold it up in front of the mirror so that you can read it directly.
Compare what you see with what you see in the mirror. Describe what you see. The same image but the words was completely backwards.
Refraction Activity
Activity to do with opaque cup,
water, coin:
- Place a penny in the bottom of the empty cup. Use
a folded piece of transparent tape under the penny to keep it from moving
- Stand and slowly back away from the cup until the
edge of the cup blocks your view of the penny. (So that you can’t see the
penny any more.)
- Keep your head in this position while a partner
slowly pours water into the cup. What do you observe? The reflection
- What fraction of the cup is filled when the edge
of the penny first comes into view? 2/3
- What fraction of the cup is filled when you are
able to see the whole penny. (Some may not be able to see the whole penny
at any time. If so, record that fact instead.) I saw the whole thing.
Activity to do with transparent
glass or cup; pen, pencil or ruler; water:
- Fill the cup or glass about 2/3 full with water.
- Observe the pen, pencil or ruler when it is in the
air. They floated
- Place the pen in the glass of water so that it
rests at an angle.
- Observe the pen by looking at it with your eye
lined up with the pen. Notice what you see at the water level. Compare how
the pen looks now and how it looked before you placed it in the water.
Describe what you see. The reflection, they were wet, and you can see the light.
- Hold the pen vertical in the water and observe it
as you move it left and right. Compare the part above the water level with
the part below the water level. Describe what you see. The reflection
- Hold the pen vertical and move it towards your eye
and away from your eye. Describe what you observe. The light was moving and reflection as you moved it.
Write a
paragraph explaining why all this works. Hint: What do our eyes use from the
sun or lamps in order to see everything and anything around us? You are able to see where you are going and what you are doing.