Thursday, November 20, 2014


This activity is about the estuaries of places. We wanted to know if they were primary and secondary. We also wanted to know what was included with the primary and secondary. She gave us places and we wanted to find out on the internet what they were with our group. Then we had to graph the data also that was given in the packet. Over all, this packet that we did with the group was all about estuaries.

Shepard coastal classification system with the 18 places. She gave us it then she wanted us to figure out  if they are primary or secondary to see what they go with. Primary is for coastal Shepard systems more with what happens to the land. Secondary is more about what happens to the ocean. Their is more main classifications but they have sub groups that go with them. The sub groups go with each main group. However, Shepard classification is important to the 18 estuaries.

We graphed the data from the packet for each depth for the mixture of each estuary classification. We had to graph the first estuary with one color that was A. Then we did that again but with estuary B data. Lastly we did it with C with the data that was given for that data. Estuary A is Stratified, B is  Parasitically Mixed, and C is Well Mixed. Our graph is up side down but it is down correctly. Overall, we understood how to graph it and I understood it a little before we did it.

Estuaries are classified as primary and secondary. Estuaries are classified under the primary and secondary sub groups as well. We classified each one for each place she agave us. Each place was different from the places before or above it. They are not all the same because they are different places. Every place is a different estuary from a different place or where it is located.

Estuaries are important to be able to know if they are primary and secondary. This activity helps us find out more about each place. This will help us know if we want to get a job that deals with this. We may need this in collage for a science class. Estuaries are important for us to know how to classify each one.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A grain of sand history

In class we are leaning about sand so these articles are taking what we learned and talking about one particular place where it is from. I am enjoying the articles and how the sand form Hawaii is different from the beaches around us or the ones we go to, The sand comes from tiny grains of rocks and the color. The beaches are made from pebbles and rocks. The beach waves deposits the sand and the gravel along the shore line. They become worn smooth from being rolled around all the time. They get rolled from the waves moving up and down.  The coastal processes modify the sand overtime. Sometimes little sand gets onto the middle of the beach but that happened a long time ago. The erosions of beaches happen more often after major storms and make it replenishment to look at it that way. People like to look at how the beach looks like when they go.  Hawaii beaches are the best beaches in the world because of the sand. The sand is white and beautiful. The teeth in their throats help break down to be able to be in the sand. The sand factories are producing 840 pounds per year. There is hundreds of tons of fish in the sand per year.  The beaches that we look at in the microscope are different colors and form different places. To me this is awesome to look at different places through the microscope to just look at the sand. Over all, the beaches sands that we look at are from different places, colors, and the shapes of each sand is through the microscope. I really enjoyed these articles because I learned a lot from them that I didn't know. I also enjoyed looking through the microscope to look at the sand to see what they looked like. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Earth's movement

          We have learned many things in Oceanography about the plate’s movement. This is based off of the Earth’s lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outermost part of the shell. The things that make the plate tectonics move are the gravity, the stuff in the mantle, and the rotation of the planet. They make us move because of the energy that is making us move due to the movement. It makes up get new land because of the movement of the things that it makes us move. It makes us move the lower points to makes room for the new land. The movement of each movement makes the movement change. The separation of the plates makes each one a different movement. The rapid movement makes the plates move to different parts. It does that because of how they move because of each part that needs to be done. The low density of the movement moves then it is able to get a new one. The separation of each one happens after the mantle is able to get a new one. The movement depends on how hot the interior is will get how hot and how quick the interior movement takes.  The results of the movement determine if there will be any new questions. There are always new questions on how fast the movement is and how long it will take over time. It brings over time how the scientists figure out how the whole thing works but also why it will be happening. No matter what, over time the plates have moved and they will always be moving so we can have new plates underneath us. It happens because of the way earth is turning and how long it takes to turn over time. They will be able to form new ones all the time. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Extra Credit

My opinion on this is that I liked it because of what they are telling us. I like how they took 50,000 photos to make it look 3-D. I can't believe a loaded vessel was found in 70 A.D. After it was loaded it crashed into a sheer rock wall on the island of Antikythera and then it sank. The ship had a huge array of precious objects like the richest cache that was found in the Mediterranean. The wreck was between 135 to about 150 feet deep and this made the diver only be able to spend a few minutes looking. I can’t believe they stayed with the Greek government and the reek government. They stayed at the Institution. They have a return to Antikythera that begins in September and end about October 12th.   There are divers that visit about 114 years ago and 38 years ago. There is only a small portion of the wreck about 20 percent that was explored. They use a brass computer every day to look. The sites can be located everywhere. They use the 3-D maps to look at the bottom.  The humans can only go down 1,000 feet and stay on the bottom for 40 hours. They would have liked to do it remotely but they weren't able to do it. Over all, I really enjoyed this article and the facts. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ocean Navigation

We learned that compasses are used to improve the oceans navigation that people are trying to find there point. The compasses were invented in the Middle Ages.  We learned how to use the map to find the exact point that we had to find but then we used the compass to find the rest. Back in the day they used the North star to find their way around before the compass was invented. The compass wouldn't of worked really well if they didn't have two points to go to. The compass would actually find the way of how they would help the map to find the exact way to go. They used the map and the satellite to find the way when the compasses aren't invented. They use the chronometer to find the exact time of the longitude of the ship while sailing away. The first one was invented in 1761 by John Harrison but it wasn't until the year after that they actually made it work to use the latitude and longitude. They compasses, maps and the chronometer are very helpful in this time to know where we are going. The modern technology is used fill but I still know people that are using the compass to find their way.  It would of helped if we used a map to find the cards because they hid them in spots that we couldn't find or we didn't know where they were. This technology is modern but people still like to use the technology from the past to find their way. They do it because they think not all modern technology is good because it may not always work. They also want to teach their kids what they used in the past so they can tell their friends or their kids what they learned from their parents. No matter what, technology changing is helpful but still using the compass and chronometer is helpful. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Life Waves

Wave Length and Frequency: The color violet has the highest frequency because of how high the color is on the rainbow.  The electromagnetic spectrum is  the colors violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.    The visible light is all of the colors. They break to get into the viable light.  The relationship is that they are a broken into the visible light and to get into all the gamma rays. They break into many others things too. 

Light Reflection and Reflection: 

1.        Place two mirrors together at right angles at a common edge and tape them at the corner (on the back) to hinge them in this position. (If you have the folding mirrors, just use them instead.)

2.       Place a quarter in front of the mirrors in the corner between the hinged part of the mirrors. What do you observe? I observe that there was a reflection. Where is the image? On the mirror How tall is the image? Not tall at all so it was flat  What are the characteristics of the image? The reflection and backwards

3.       Slowly move the two unhinged ends of the mirrors towards each other so the angle becomes smaller. What do you observe? Reflection and backwards

4.      Remove the quarter. Place half an image at a 90 degree angle to a mirror. What do you observe? more quarters Where is the image? on the mirror  How tall is the image?  Not tall so it was flat What are the characteristics of the image? The reflection and backwards

5.       Place the mirror(s) on edge so they are upright on a printed piece of printed material. Place the mirror along the edge of one of the lines of print.  Compare the size and shape of the actual print with the reflection that you observe in the mirror?  The same image but it was backwards How are they alike? The same image

6.      Draw a circle (about the size of a quarter) on the paper about two inches from the mirror. Observe the placement of the actual circle on the paper with respect to the edge of the mirror and where the circle appears to be in the mirror:

7.       Print the word “REVERSAL” on the transparency sheet with the pen. Hold it up in front of the mirror so that you can read it directly. Compare what you see with what you see in the mirror. Describe what you see. The same image but the words was completely backwards.

Refraction Activity
Activity to do with opaque cup, water, coin:
  1. Place a penny in the bottom of the empty cup. Use a folded piece of transparent tape under the penny to keep it from moving later.
  2. Stand and slowly back away from the cup until the edge of the cup blocks your view of the penny. (So that you can’t see the penny any more.)
  3. Keep your head in this position while a partner slowly pours water into the cup. What do you observe? The reflection
  4. What fraction of the cup is filled when the edge of the penny first comes into view? 2/3
  5. What fraction of the cup is filled when you are able to see the whole penny. (Some may not be able to see the whole penny at any time. If so, record that fact instead.) I saw the whole thing.

Activity to do with transparent glass or cup; pen, pencil or ruler; water:
  1. Fill the cup or glass about 2/3 full with water.
  2. Observe the pen, pencil or ruler when it is in the air. They floated
  3. Place the pen in the glass of water so that it rests at an angle.
  4. Observe the pen by looking at it with your eye lined up with the pen. Notice what you see at the water level. Compare how the pen looks now and how it looked before you placed it in the water. Describe what you see. The reflection, they were wet, and you can see the light. 
  5. Hold the pen vertical in the water and observe it as you move it left and right. Compare the part above the water level with the part below the water level. Describe what you see. The reflection 
  6. Hold the pen vertical and move it towards your eye and away from your eye. Describe what you observe. The light was moving and reflection as you moved it. 


Write a paragraph explaining why all this works. Hint: What do our eyes use from the sun or lamps in order to see everything and anything around us? You are able to see where you are going and what you are doing. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


We wanted to see if we could pop a balloon. My group has not calculated the mechanical advantage. The energy that we used is that we do not know what it is because we didn't get to that point. We did not have any difficulty until we got to a point of where we didn't know what to do next. We did use four out of the six simple machines. We used incline plane, wedge, wheel and axle and lever. I drew out all of the draft of out project but I didn't do the final drawing of the project. One of my partners and I did pretty much all of the hard part. We had 11 steps to be able to pop a balloon. A. Car goes down a ramp and one of us hits it B. Car hits the golf ball C. Golf ball goes down the first ramp D. Golf ball goes down the second ramp E. The metal bar falls on the fork. F. The fork flings the wooden block up G. The cube knocks the domino's over H. The domino's hot the ball over so it falls off the table. I. The ball lands on the sew saw J. The see saw pushes the pin over K. The pin pops the balloon.

Friday, April 11, 2014

“Rube Goldberg and Simple Machines”.

1. Rube Goldberg is  employed by the New York Journal America until his retirement in 1964 where thereafter he made bronze sculptors. He makes sculptures of things. He makes scripts of what he did. He created many things The Weekly Meeting of the Tuesday Women's Club, Lunatics I Have Met, The Candy Kid, Mike and Ike, Boob McNutt, Lala Palooza, Foolish Questions, Sideshow, Father Was Right, I'm the Guy, and They all Looked Good When They Are Far Away.

2.  “Journal Entry: Energy Transfer and Simple Machine Learning”.

An inclined planeInclined Plane-A plane is a flat surface
A wedgeWedge- a wedge is actually a kind of inclined plane
A ScrewScrew- take an inclined plane and wrap it around a cylinder. 
A leverLever-an arm that "pivots" (or turns) against a "fulcrum" (or point). 
A wheel and axleWheel and Axle- moves objects across distances. 
A pulleyPulley- a cord wraps around a wheel. 
4.    For each simple machine, provide instruction for calculation of mechanical advantage.
Lever: MA = length of effort arm ÷ length of resistance arm.
Wheel and axle: A wheel Has a lever on one arm and rotate it. 
Pulley: Pulleys change the direction of a tension force on a flexible material.
5.    For each simple machine, upload a picture depicting the simple machine.
Inclined PlaneAn inclined plane
A wedge
ScrewA Screw
Lever A lever
Wheel and AxleA wheel and axle

A pulley

6.    Write a brief description of types of energy and how energy changes.
Nonrenewable Sources of Energy is it is gone forever.
Renewable Sources of Energy is it can be used over and over again.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Newtons quiz

1. What are the relationships between forces and motion? 

The relationships between forces and motion is the potential energy that will be given. Force is the amount of pressure that is being given. The motion is the the movement being applied. An example is the the car. 

2. What are the variables that affect motion and force? 

The gravity is affecting the motion and the force. The speed is depending on weather if the gravity is being affected. 

3. How does Newton’s three laws describe the motion of a moving object? 

The first law is whatever is in motion stays in motion. The second law is it will only move if theres a net force or an unbalanced force. Newtons 3rd law is for every action so there will be an equal or opposite reaction. You have to put all 3 parts of the Newton's laws to explain this. 

4. How does gravity impact objects?

This can push something toward things. They might be going out but instead they will be going in. This happens to things if theres a different mass or acceleration. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Proving Newton's Second Law

Proving Newton’s Second Law

Question- What is the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration?

Materials used

·        … Car, weight, books, protracker, 2 spring scales, and a table

Hypothesis- I think that they will way pretty much the same.


11.       Collect Materials
22.       Set Up
33.       Make sure I had my journal and  pencil
44.       Make a graph in my journal
55.       Start our lab
66.       Pull weights up the ramp 9 times with  the spring scale
77.       Calculate  the acceleration
88.       Clean up materials
99.       Graph the data which means on 1 graph mass (x) and acceleration (y) and then on the 2nd graph angle (x) and Acceleration (y)  and it’s a line graph
110.   Answer the questions in my journal
111.   Put away my journal and pencil



Data Table

Graphs of Data

Conclusion and Analysis- They were the did the same thing with the graphs because ours went in a straight line.

 1. What happened when you kept the mass the same and changed the angle?
 It stayed the same and it didn't change.

2. What happened when you kept the angle the same and changed the mass?
It did the same thing as the whole time.

3. What was the relationship did u notice?
 My graphs went in a straight line.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Museam of Science Feild Trip

Fantastic Forces:

During this part we had a show. We saw the pencil try to go through a piece of wood. Then we saw the pencil be put in the machine and then it went through the wood. Then we saw the forces of the bowling ball also called Newman cradle. Then we saw that the cup didn't work pushing it across the floor. Then  we did the cup with plates on top of it and she pulled a napkin from underneath. Then she did the same thing with the water in the cups. Lastly I like show everything for most of the time worked and was cool.

Engineering Design, Bobsled Activity:

My bobsled worked the whole time but I did fix it to after I went. I used fabric and 2 small clips. Then I put in four batteries in it on the front of it. Mine worked and I was surprised it did. Mine did not have any problems at all.

The Lightning Show:

I liked the show even though I have seen it before. I liked everything that he did. There was not anything I didn't like at all. I learned that there is 120 little thing that the 2 balloons popped over. I would recommend it to do that again.

Audiokinetic Sculpture:

The ball I followed went left to right. It made a trigger sound when it went down. All of them were simple machines and it went down 3 times. Then it encountered all of the balls. They started at the top and went all different ways. 

Painting, Creating - Inventor

Friday, January 31, 2014


I think it was different because it was something I have never done. I think that I learned that the kinetic is different from the potential. This is something I would do again. I think that it was was different from just taking notes. I would recommended it to do it again.

Friday, January 10, 2014


             Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. It also had 20 or  more amino acids joining. Then it provides a structure and transport cells in or out. Lastly it helps fight off diseases.
     Lipids store more energy and wont dissolve in water. Then it steroids act like a messenger. Lastly they are made from gysoral heads and have a double or tripe bond. 
Carbohydrates are made from Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Then it is a main energy source and break down sugars. Then a large molecules of many monosachrides are called pollysachrides. 
Nucleic Acids contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and plus Phosphorus. Then it is formed by bonding of individual units called Polynucleotides. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ice Melt Lab

In this lab we tried to melt ice. We took the temperatures every 5 mins then we took down what it was. My partner and I got 5 degrees Celsius before then on the heater we got 10, 15,20,30,40, then the ice was gone but we still took the temperature we got 65,80,87, 92, and 101 degrees Celsius. They were all Celsius.
We then answered questions:
1. The water did not boil or get hotter.
2. It is absorbing heat because the temperature is going up.
3. Released heat because the ice was frozen.
4. Your heart because it helps out your body heat. It goes off because of your chemical reaction.

Theirs our Graph we got when we plot it.