Proving Newton’s Second Law
Question- What is the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration?
Materials used
… Car, weight,
books, protracker, 2 spring scales, and a table
Hypothesis- I think that they will way pretty much the same.
11. Collect Materials
22. Set Up
33. Make sure I had my journal and pencil
44. Make a graph in my journal
55. Start our lab
66. Pull weights up the ramp 9 times with the spring scale
77. Calculate the acceleration
88. Clean up materials
99. Graph the data which means on 1 graph mass
(x) and acceleration (y) and then on the 2nd graph angle (x) and Acceleration
(y) and it’s a line graph
110. Answer the questions in my journal
111. Put away my journal and pencil
Data Table
Graphs of Data
Conclusion and Analysis- They were the did the same thing
with the graphs because ours went in a straight line.
1. What happened when you kept the mass the same and changed the angle?
It stayed the same and it didn't change.
2. What happened when you kept the angle the same and changed the mass?
It did the same thing as the whole time.
3. What was the relationship did u notice?
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